Don’t Let Your Teeth Cause You Undue Anxiety

Staying on top of your oral health is important for well-being and confidence.
Perhaps because of where our teeth are in the body, many people are self conscious of them to some degree. If you think about it, how often do you look at your teeth in the mirror, or even touch them with your tongue, perhaps seeking out rough edges or to see if food is caught between?
It would seem that, despite the reputation of the British for having poor teeth, we are actually quite concerned about them. Unfortunately for some, this does not always translate into taking action to keep teeth strong and healthy.
No secret
There really is no secret to having healthy teeth. Whilst genetics and some health conditions can play a role; by and large avoiding a high sugar diet whilst cleaning and flossing regularly, along with regular professional dental check ups at our Derby dental clinic, should be all that is required in order to preserve healthy teeth. Those who neglect these simple things are the ones most likely to be anxious or even depressed about the state of their teeth. This can be from an aesthetic or a practical point of view. We will look briefly at the aesthetic aspect of our teeth later, but first let’s consider how poor quality teeth can affect our confidence.
Weak or painful teeth
Some patients live with the fear that their teeth have become compromised to such a degree that the moment they bite into the wrong thing, they may break. This can be very limiting, especially for people who dine out or socialise a lot. Having the uncertainty that a tooth may break is likely to cause anxiety, and, likely to dampen the mood a little too. Other patients live with low level pain, perhaps caused by small amount of dental decay. Whilst this can usually be resolved quite easily with a small filling, some avoid treatment, preferring to live with low level discomfort. This is particularly so for patients who suffer with dental anxiety or worse, all-out phobia.
However minor pain is, any discomfort that is permanent is likely to have an effect on how we feel and can leave us feeling far from being on top of the world. Low level, prolonged pain can actually be much worse than short-term, more acute pain and really can leave us feeling debilitated.
Neglecting low level pain will almost certainly mean that, at some point, you are likely to experience more severe pain as the decay advances. This may well result in the need for emergency dental treatment, and perhaps even the loss of the tooth.
Even with teeth that are healthy; if they are unappealing to look at, some people shy away from smiling in public. With modern cosmetic dental treatments this is not necessary and at Darren Bywater Dental Care, we are able to offer our Derby patients a range of procedures, such as teeth whitening, veneers and invisible braces. These latest treatments, used singly or in combination to create complete “smile makeovers”, really can create an attractive and confident smile.
If you are unhappy with the way that your teeth look, or feel, or, if you have not visited a dentist for a while for a check up, why not call our Derby family dental practice today on 01332 550926.
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